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สมเกียรติ สัจจารักษ์ SOMKIAT SADJARAK
นิพนธ์ บริเวธานันท์ NIPON BORIWATANAN
อดุล นาคะโร ADUL NAKARO
เอมอร นาคหลง AIMORN NAKLONG
สุวิชา วิริยมานุวงษ์ SUWICHA WIRIYAMANUWONG


       The purposes of this research were to study: 1) the process of learning management via professional learning community; 2) the effects of learning management via professional learning community; and 3) the success factors of learning management via professional learning community in Plookpanya Municipal School. The target groups were 48 student representatives (2 students from each community) with lower learning achievement than the set criteria from the classes that model teachers had already opened. The sample included 131 teachers, 3 school administrators, and 4 lecturers from teaching profession group of Faculty of Education, Phuket Rajabhat University. The research instruments used in this study were a participant observation form and an in-depth interview. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results were: the process of learning management via professional learning community in Plookpanya Municipal School consisted of planning the learning management (Plan), implementing the plan (Do), and reflecting the learning results (See). Regarding the learning management via professional learning community, the teachers gained more knowledge and understanding in context of learning area. They recognized the focus of learning management, learned and shared experience with other teachers. Moreover, the teachers were more confident to express ideas and more enthusiastic to work. The learning management was more systematic and clearer. Instructional media were invented and applied to learning and teaching. Teachers were inspired to develop their works and adjusted learning management methods to suit the environment. They also were enthusiastic about learning new teaching styles or techniques that fit with current situations and students’ interest. The important features from working together with the teachers in professional learning community were: the teachers discussed and exchanged knowledge and experiences more.They worked with enthusiasm and responsibility for performing tasks, collaborating within the community, and brainstorming about solution to students’ problems. The teachers had commitment to organizational missions and goals, had friendly relationship, worked as a team, enjoyed working, and had creativity in using technology for learning management. The students gained more knowledge and understanding in the area of learning. They could think, express ideas, practice, and get involved in learning activities. Moreover, they were attentive, enthusiastic, happy, and enjoy learning. A success factors of learning management via professional learning community consisted of the support of administrators throughout the operation process, dialogue, knowledge management, team working, collective responsibility, and use of technology for learning management. 

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