The impact of open innovation practices on innovative performance via absorptive capacity of Agri-food Industry in Upper Northern 2


  • apinyaporn Sopa Lecturer of Business Management School of Business and Communication Arts, University of Phayao


Open Innovation, Absorptive Capacity, Innovation Performance, Agri-food Industry, Upper Northern 2


The objective of this research is to study the patterns of open innovation practices that affect innovation performance through absorptive capacity. The study tests the role of absorptive capacity as a mediating variable in this relationship. The sample group consists of 246 entrepreneurs from the agricultural and food industries in the upper northern 2. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling.
The results indicate that open innovation practices positively impact both absorptive capacity and innovation performance. The study results lead to the recommendation that for organizations to successfully implement open innovation practices, they must first enable their employees to absorb external knowledge. This absorption allows employees to internalize and effectively utilize this knowledge, thereby enhancing the organization's innovation performance. This study found that the results benefit the academic field by demonstrating how open innovation knowledge can support research in business administration and related disciplines. Entrepreneurs can apply various open innovation practices to their strategic planning, enhancing their organization's potential for sustainable growth.


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How to Cite

Sopa, apinyaporn. (2024). The impact of open innovation practices on innovative performance via absorptive capacity of Agri-food Industry in Upper Northern 2. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(4), 68–86. retrieved from



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