A Comparison of Personal Financial Planning Behavior in the 2019 Coronavirus Outbreak of Student in Four Northern Campus of Thailand National Sports University


  • sasijan panjatawee Lecturer, B.B.A. Sports Management Program, Thailand National Sports University Chiang Mai Campus
  • Luksanaporn Watabunditkul Lecturer, B.B.A. Sports Management Program, Thailand National Sports University Chiang Mai Campus
  • Pimpa imsamranrat Lecturer, General Education Department, Thailand National Sports University Chiang Mai Campus


Behavior, Personal Financial Planning, Coronavirus Disease 2019, Thailand National Sports University


The objective of this research was to compared the personal financial planning behavior in the 2019 Coronavirus outbreak of four Northern campus of Thailand National Sports University (TNSU) students. Sample was 358 students of four Northern campus of TNSU by multi-stage random sampling. Research instrument was personal financial planning behavior online questionnaire. Statistics used was one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA).

The results were found that the average of personal financial planning behavior was statistically significant difference at the.05 level. The students of TNSU Sukhothai campus have average personal financial planning behavior lower than the students of Lampang and Phetchabun campuses (3.33, 3.49 and 3.51) The students of four Northern campus of TNSU exhibited personal financial planning behavior in investment lowest (2.73) than generating (3.55), spending (3.80), and saving (3.60).


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How to Cite

panjatawee, sasijan, Watabunditkul, L. ., & imsamranrat, P. . (2024). A Comparison of Personal Financial Planning Behavior in the 2019 Coronavirus Outbreak of Student in Four Northern Campus of Thailand National Sports University . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(4), 1–11. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/267774



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