The Effect of Job Stress Psychological Strain Affecting Recovery Performance Among Service Employees


  • Pichaya Tuntiaumpaiwong Faculty of Business Administration, Mahanakorn University of Technology
  • Viroj Jadesadalug Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


Job Stress, Perceived Supervisor Support, Perceived Colleague Support, Psychological Strain, Service Recovery Performance


This research aims to study and analyze stress factors from work. psychological strain that affects service recovery performance of service employees. The target group of this research is the employees who provide services in the groups of service employees, sales employees, receptionists, airline staff and service employees in the restaurant and hotel total amount 107 samples. This research uses quantitative research methods by using the questionnaire. The statistics that used to analyze the data are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis.

This research findings are as follows: 1. job stress and psychological strain effect on impact to service recovery performance of service employees 2. perceived supervisor support and perceived colleague support influence on the relationship between job stress and psychological strain 3. customer orientation influence on the relationship between the psychological strain and service recovery performance. These findings can be the guideline benefits and recommendations for the service organization to improve and develop in the future.


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How to Cite

Tuntiaumpaiwong, P., & Jadesadalug, V. (2024). The Effect of Job Stress Psychological Strain Affecting Recovery Performance Among Service Employees. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(4), 175–193. retrieved from



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