The Relationship Between The Characteristics Of The Board Of Directors And The Audit Committee With The Disclosure Of Internal Control Information In Thailand’s SET 100
Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Disclosure of Internal Control InformationAbstract
The objective of this research is twofold: 1). to study the characteristics of internal control disclosure, and 2). to analyse the relationship between the characteristics of the board of directors and audit committee with internal control disclosure of companies registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The study utilises data from the annual reports (Form 56-1) between 2016 and 2020 of 415 sample companies. Two research instruments were employed: a checklist for verifying and collecting internal control disclosure characteristics, and an analysis of the board of directors and audit committee characteristics in relation to internal control disclosure using multiple regression analysis.
The research findings reveal the following: 1). Characteristics of Internal Control Disclosure: a). Financial risk reporting data is the most disclosed aspect. b). Responsibility towards the internal control system follows. c). Internal control measures are the least disclosed. 2). Relationships with Board and Audit Committee: a). There is a positive relationship between the size of the board of directors and the audit committee size with internal control disclosure. b). Conversely, companies with the highest executives paired with the chairman of the board tend to disclose less information on internal control. 3). Non-Significant Findings: a). The research did not reveal any relationship between international board of directors, female board of directors, independent directors, financial and accounting executives, audit committee meetings, audit firms, and internal control disclosure.
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