Requirement for Life Insurance of LGBT Persons in Thailand


  • Yotsawat Nikhrothanon Stamford International University
  • Petcharat Lovichakorntikul Stamford International University


Keyword : Requirement for Life Insurance, LGBT Persons, Thailand


                   The objectives of this research were (1) to study the requirement for life insurance of LGBT people (2) to study the factors affecting the requirement for life insurance of LGBT people and (3) to present a suitable modern life insurance scheme for LGBT ; The research process used in this study (Qualitative Research) collected data using in-depth interviews (In-Depth Interview) and open-ended questions using a purposive sample selection method. Among 10 LGBT People in Bangkok and surrounding areas.

The research results found that : 1) reasons for purchasing life insurance of LGBT people to save money for retirement and to cover medical expenses. If you are sick or have serious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases 2) Effective marketing communications of life insurance companies include insurance agents providing information over the phone or giving information directly to life insurance companies, advertising on television or social networks, setting up insurance company booths in shopping malls and Develop an insurance company's Application or Platform to be convenient in use for both insurance and claim making, and 3) modern life insurance formats. It should be suitable for people with diverse sexualities (LGBT). There should be equal coverage and a process for issuing insurance policies emphasizing equal treatment that covers treatment of serious diseases such as cancer, sexually transmitted diseases. Relationships. Although life insurance companies will increase insurance premiums However, it must be possible to specify that the beneficiary is a same-sex couple.


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How to Cite

Nikhrothanon, Y., & Lovichakorntikul, P. . . (2024). Requirement for Life Insurance of LGBT Persons in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(4), 12–23. Retrieved from



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