The Relationship between Audit Technology Intelligence and Excellent Audit Report of Certified Public Accountants in Thailand


  • Nutcha Eiamphunga -
  • Suwan Wangcharoendate
  • Thanyatorn Sriwichien


audit technology, audit report, certified public accountant


The objective of this study is to verify the relationship between audit technology intelligence
and excellent audit report of certified public accountants in Thailand. A Postal mail questionnaire is an instrument used to collect data from the samples of 305 certified public accountants in Thailand. Data analysis is based on inferential statistics including multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis used for hypothesis testing. Audit technology intelligence was defined as an independent variable that correlated with and affected excellent audit reports of certified public accountants in Thailand. The research results show that audit technology intelligence consists of Dynamic Audit Plan and Internal Control Innovation.There is a positive correlation and positive impact on the excellent audit report.

Consequently, the Certified Public Accountant of Thailand should prioritize focus on audit planning by setting goals, time periods, responsibilities, and scope of audit procedures in accordance with established regulations. There can help the auditor to rapidly verify and improve the accuracy and completeness of information. Furthermore, in part of the importance of internal control, the auditor should carefully consider the acceptance of the audit engagement. to plan more concisely to achieve objectives effectively.


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How to Cite

Eiamphunga, N., Wangcharoendate, S., & Sriwichien, T. (2024). The Relationship between Audit Technology Intelligence and Excellent Audit Report of Certified Public Accountants in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(1), 154–168. retrieved from



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