The Effect of Financial Literacy on Farmer Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic towards Debt Problems in Sakae Phrong Sub-District Mueang Buriram District Buriram Province


  • Kanmanee Karin Faculty of Management Science, Buriram Rajabhat University


Financial Literacy, Covid-19, Farmer


 This research aimed 1) to study the level of financial literacy and debt burden of farmer households 2) to test the effects of financial literacy that influence the debt burden of farmer households and 3) to suggest ways to promote financial literacy to solve the debt problem of farmer household in Sakae Phrong sub-district Mueang Buriram District Buriram Province. Mixed methods research of the sample group in the research was the registration of farmer total of 292 people in Sakae Phrong sub-district Mueang Buriram district. Data collection was divided into 2 phases
1) This study is a survey research study. The questionnaires were simple random sampling and quantitative data analysis. The statistics were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis 2) the group conversation selected a purposive sampling of 6 people and qualitative data analysis. It was found that 1) the farmer had a level medium of financial literacy and debt burden of farmer households 2) the impact of financial literacy, attitude and behavior of a factor in the debt burden of farmer households with statistical significance at the level of 0.05  3) to promote of financial attitude and behavior with a focus on real action to long term change. In addition, the farmers should develop of financial literacy in technology, such as to use of financial planning applications and monthly expenses for farmer. An understanding of financial technologies in various applications and awareness of the presence of financial risks in a new way and so on.


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How to Cite

Karin, K. (2024). The Effect of Financial Literacy on Farmer Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic towards Debt Problems in Sakae Phrong Sub-District Mueang Buriram District Buriram Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(1), 90–104. Retrieved from



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