Management Strategy in the New Normal Influencing on Business Survival: An Empirical Study of Hotel Businesses in Loei Province


  • Kantheera Namwong Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University


New Normal, Business Planning Strategy, Leading Strategy, Controlling Strategy, Organizational Strategy


              The purpose of this study was to examine management strategy in the new normal influencing on business survival: an empirical study of hotel businesses in Loei province through the consequential factors, namely, business planning strategy, organizational strategy, leading strategy and controlling strategy in order to achieve business survival. OLS regression analysis is used to analyze the relationships among these variables by using data from 130 hotel business in Loei province. Key informants are managing director, managing partner or general manager. Data is collected by questionnaires. The result indicated that 3 dimensions of management strategy in the new normal have a positive impact on business survival of hotel business in Loei province and that have the most significant positive impact is controlling strategy, followed by business planning strategy and organizational strategy.


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How to Cite

Namwong, K. . (2024). Management Strategy in the New Normal Influencing on Business Survival: An Empirical Study of Hotel Businesses in Loei Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(1), 188–203. Retrieved from



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