The Influences of Capital Expenditures and Cash Flows on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Market for Alternative Investment (MAI)


  • Potchanart Ritthidach Prince of Songkla University Trang Campus
  • Naraporn Chairat


Capital Expenditures, Cash Flows, Financial Performance, The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Market for Alternative Investment


The objective of this study was to test the influences of capital expenditures and cash flows on the financial performance of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Market for Alternative Investment (MAI). The data was collected from SET and MAI between 2015 and 2021 using a simple random sampling method, thus resulting in a sample of 221 companies. Through the online database of the SET website, the secondary data consisting of financial statements, annual registration statements (Form 56-1), and annual reports of the companies were obtained. In this study, descriptive data analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple correlation analysis were conducted. The results revealed that capital expenditures had a positive influence on the financial performance over the 3-year and 5-year periods of analysis, while it had no influence on the financial performance over the 7-year period of analysis. Cash flows from investing activities had a negative influence on the financial performance over all periods. This means large capital expenditures could result in increased profits. Cash flows from operating activities and the size of a business influenced the financial performance over all periods. Cash flows from financing activities had a negative influence on the financial performance over the 3-year and 5-year periods of analysis, while they had a positive influence on the financial performance over the 7-year period of analysis. These results could be used by executives for the appropriate allocation of cash flows for each activity, particularly activities viewed by a business as necessary for investment. For investors, the cash flow information could be useful for investment consideration, and for funding sources, it could be taken into consideration to support funding for businesses.


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How to Cite

Ritthidach, P., & Chairat, N. (2024). The Influences of Capital Expenditures and Cash Flows on the Financial Performance of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Market for Alternative Investment (MAI). Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(1), 169–187. Retrieved from



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