The Antecedents to indicate Strategic Crisis Management Efficacy of Entrepreneur in COVID-19 situation


  • Chonticha Suphanalai Faculty of Management Science, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University


Antecedents, Strategic Crisis Management, Entrepreneur, COVID-19 situation


Regarding to the outbreaking of COVID-19 since December 2019, it caused to a large negatives reinforcement to economy growth in all sectors and P&L was rapidly plumed. And a new wave during high season in 2021 new year celebrations times, it was a crisis repeating to an entrepreneur to facing a duplicate challenge and difficult to recovered in the markets. This academic article had the aims to study 1) the definitions and elements of strategic crisis management and, 2) an antecedent to indicate a strategic crisis management efficacy to maintain business positioning while exploring an opportunities and threats astutely. The results were exposed as the assumption, found that; 1) a strategic crisis management means strategies to implement in special situation would help minimizing loss and survivable swiftly which consisting escaping strategy, solving, and proactive and, 2) the antecedents to indicate a strategic crisis management efficacy including; 1) entrepreneurial persistence consisting individual characteristics and human capital, 2) job performance featuring management and behavioral performances and 3) talent management consisting definition, selection, and development.


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How to Cite

Suphanalai, C. . (2023). The Antecedents to indicate Strategic Crisis Management Efficacy of Entrepreneur in COVID-19 situation. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(2), 222–234. Retrieved from



Academic Article