The Effects of Alternative Strategic Orientations on Furniture Businesses Success in Thailand


  • Piyamaporn Thiamjite Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Thailand
  • Chatchai Inthasang Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Isan


Alternative Strategic Orientations, Marketing Advantage, Businesses Success



The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between effects of strategic orientation and businesses success evidence from furniture businesses in Thailand. Samples consisted of marketing executive of furniture in Thailand. Sampling was done of 109 people by questionnaire mail survey. The validity and reliability were checked, which are content validity by expert, the result of discriminant validity tested by factor analysis show value between 0.714 - 0.902, and 0.705 - 0.878 are result of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient test of reliability. This research analyzes the data using descriptive statistics method and multiple regressions for hypotheses testing. The results of hypothesis testing found that strategic orientations (customer orientation, competitor orientation, technological orientation, and learning orientation) a significant and positive effect on marketing advantage. Likewise, marketing advantage explicitly leads to furniture businesses success. The result of this research is very valuable for academician in expanding and adding value to the strategic orientation. Further, it is a very useful guideline for the executives conducting their business furniture. Finally, conclusion and discussion include directions for future research are discussed in the last section of this research.


Keywords : Strategic Orientation, Marketing Advantage, Businesses Success


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How to Cite

Thiamjite, P. ., & Inthasang, C. . (2022). The Effects of Alternative Strategic Orientations on Furniture Businesses Success in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(4), 120–134. Retrieved from



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