Forensics accounting competency and audit success: an empirical research of certified public accountants (CPAs) in Thailand
Forensic Accounting Competency, Audit Strategy, Audit Practice, Audit SuccessAbstract
The objectives of the present study were 1) to examine the effects of forensic accounting competency on audit strategy, audit practice, and audit success, and 2) to investigate the effects of audit experience, technology competency, and environmental force on forensic accounting competency. The certified public accountants (CPAs) in Thailand were the key informants. The population of this research was obtained from the database of The Federation of Accounting Professions. The data were collected from the mailed questionnaire assigned to 346 auditors in Thailand and response rate was 21.69%. The hypothesized relationships were examined by ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The findings demonstrated that the forensic accounting competency had positive effects on audit strategy, audit practice, and audit success. Furthermore, audit experience, technology competency, and environmental force have a positive influence on forensic accounting competency. It also discovered that forensic accounting competency was a significant factor which droved auditing proficiency, including audit strategy and audit practice, thus leading to audit success. In addition, increasing various types of audit experience, technology competency, continuous learning, up-skilling, or re-skilling was a vital factor which could affect forensic accounting competency.
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