Confirmatory of Composite Analysis


  • CHANTA JHANTASANA Management Science Faculty, Valayalongkorn Rajabhat University in the Royal patronage


Confirmatory composite analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, Partial least square structural equation model



The advantage of the variance-based structural equation model is that simple convergence, limited sample size and non-normal distribution data are especially in comparison to the covariance-based structural equation model, such as the confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the variance-based approach was developed in 2015 using factor variable influence less bias and the scholar proposed a confirmatory composite analysis. As a result, variance-based can operate both confirmatories, while covariance-based only performs a confirmatory factor analysis. This study is investigating the results of confirmatory composite analysis to use a variance-based or partial least square model of structural equation using Jhantasana data (2020). The outcome demonstrates flexible composite confirmation analysis. However, the significance of this method is multicollinearity, including model-fit criteria, which by solving it can increase the quality of a model. Confirmatory composite analysis can focus more on many fields as many organizations create a composite index for many indicators than a latent variable used only for behavioral studies.


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How to Cite

JHANTASANA, C. (2021). Confirmatory of Composite Analysis. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(1). Retrieved from



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