Organizational Factors Related to The Business Success of OTOP Entrepreneurs that have been Ranked as a 5-Star in Nonthaburi Province


  • ศิณาภรณ์ หู้เต็ม คณะบริหารธุรกิจ


Organization factor, The success of OTOP business at a 5-star rating


This research aims 1) to study organizational factors affecting the business success of OTOP entrepreneurs who have been selected at a 5-star rating in Nonthaburi Province; 2) to study the business success of OTOP entrepreneurs obtained 5-star selection in Nonthaburi Province; and 3) to study the relationship between organizational factors and business success of OTOP operators who have been selected at 5-star in Nonthaburi Province. The sample used in this study was 320 people who currently live in Nonthaburi Province. A questionnaire tool is conducted for quantitative study as well as in-depth interviews are conducted for qualitative studies. The confidence of the questionnaire was determined  by appropriate formula for analyzing the alpha coefficient. According to Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient,  the sample test obtained a confidence factor of 0.83. The descriptive statistics were used to analyze distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  According to Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis, the research found that the organizational factors related to the business success  of OTOP operators selected at the 5-star rating in Nonthaburi province, technology factor is the most significant factor followed by the workload consecutively. Organizational structure and people factors, when considering business success as measured by the Balance Scorecard, were significant at high level. The highest levels were organizational learning and growth, which followed closely by finance, customer and internal processes consecutively. When considering organizational factors, they were related to business success. While considering factors that had very high relationship with business success factors, we found that technology factor, organizational structure, human side, and workload were statistical significance at the .05 confident level.


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How to Cite

หู้เต็ม ศ. (2021). Organizational Factors Related to The Business Success of OTOP Entrepreneurs that have been Ranked as a 5-Star in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(1), 112–124. Retrieved from



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