Strategic Innovation Capability Influencing on Organizational Sustainability : An Empirical Study of Automobile Businesses in Thailand


  • Kantheera Palabud Loei Rajabhat University


Strategic Innovation Capability, New Product Establishment, Stakeholder Involvement Exaltation, Business Operation Excellence and Organizational Sustainability


The purpose of this study was to examine strategic innovation capability influencing on organizational sustainability: and empirical study of automobile businesses in Thailand through the consequential factors, namely, new product establishment, stakeholder involvement exaltation and business operation excellence in order to achieve organizational sustainability. OLS regression analysis is use to analyze the relationships among these variables by using data from 91 automobile businesses in Thailand. The result indicated that 5 dimensions of strategic innovation capability have a positive impact on the performance of all automobile businesses in Thailand and that have the most significant positive impact is the proactive activity support and market driving encouragement, followed by the dynamic adaptation commitment, new idea enhancement and risk-taking circumstance acceptance. In addition, the results found that new product establishment, stakeholder involvement exaltation and business operation excellence have the significant positive impact on organizational sustainability.


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How to Cite

Palabud, K. . (2020). Strategic Innovation Capability Influencing on Organizational Sustainability : An Empirical Study of Automobile Businesses in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(3), 109–125. retrieved from



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