Conflict Management by Negotiation


  • Jirat Chuanchom Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University
  • Nithipat Suthitum
  • Suchada Apiratana


Conflict Management, Negotiation


Any form of conflicts in any level would affect an organization. If these conflicts can be managed and controlled in an appropriate level, they are going to benefit the company.  Therefore, managers shall find approaches to handle and manage the issues. Although it is not possible to deal with all the conflicts, level of conflicts needed to be contained and minimized or used for advantages and create innovations for organization. Conflicts can stimulate working atmosphere in order to promote advancement and development of the organization. However, in case that managers cannot control the conflicts in an appropriate level, the organization may be faced with disagreements, stress, negative attitude and distrust in the workplace, miscommunication and concealing of information. Conflicts within organizations will impose negative attitude and unhappiness among employees. Some of them may choose to leave the organization. Therefore, it is vital for organizations to determine ways to contain conflicts and use them to improve efficiency of the organizations.


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How to Cite

Chuanchom, J. ., Suthitum, N. ., & Apiratana, S. . . (2018). Conflict Management by Negotiation. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 9(1), 38–51. Retrieved from



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