Risk Management Strategy Influencing on Organizational Survival: An Empirical Study of Community Enterprises in Loei Province


  • Kantheera Palabud Department of Management, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University


Risk Management Strategy, Organizational Creativity, Organizational Flexibility, Organizational Innovation, Organizational Success, Organizational Survival


The purpose of this study was to examine risk management strategy influencing on organizational survival: an empirical study of community enterprises in Loei through the consequential factors, namely, organizational creativity, organizational flexibility, organizational innovation and organizational success in order to achieve organizational survival. OLS regression analysis is use to analyze the relationships among these variables by using data from 110 community enterprises in Loei. The result indicated that 10 dimensions of factors that affect the success of risk management strategy of community enterprise. The results have a positive impact on the performance of all community enterprises and that has the most significant positive impact is the information technology competency, followed by the organizational climate, business experience and organizational resource readiness. Risk management strategy influencing on capability or organization, and respond to the operation and strategic objective of organization.

Author Biography

Kantheera Palabud, Department of Management, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University

Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University


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How to Cite

Palabud, K. . (2020). Risk Management Strategy Influencing on Organizational Survival: An Empirical Study of Community Enterprises in Loei Province . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 11(4), 61–80. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/240343



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