The Relationship between Self – Development and Professionalism of Certified Public Accountants in Thailand.


  • บัวจันทร์ อินธิโส Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • สุบรรณ เอี่ยมวิจารณ์ Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
  • สุธนา ธัญญขันธ์ Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


Self-Development, Professionalism, Certified Public Accountants


                   The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship  between  self – development  and  professionalism  of  certified  public  accountants  in  Thailand.   A questionnaire was constructed to collect data from 264 public accountants. The statistics used for the data analyses were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Self-development had been set as an independent variable affecting professionalism.  The results showed that : 1)  self – development  in aspect  of  learning  had  positive  effect  and  relationship  to  the  professionalism  as  a  whole  and  in aspects  of  excellence,  creative  thinking,  and  self – confidence;  2)  self – development  in  aspects  of  thought  had  positive  effect  and  relationship  to  the  professionalism  as  a  whole  and  in aspects  of  excellence,  and  creative  thinking;  3)  self – development  in aspects  of  communication  had  positive  effect  and  relationship to  the  professionalism  as  a  whole  and in aspects  of  excellence,  relationship,  and  self – confidence;  and  4) self – development  in  aspects  of  leadership  had  positive  effect  and  relationship  to  the  professionalism  as  a  whole  and  in  aspects  of  excellence,  creative  thinking,  relationship,  and self – confidence.                 


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How to Cite

อินธิโส บ., เอี่ยมวิจารณ์ ส., & ธัญญขันธ์ ส. (2009). The Relationship between Self – Development and Professionalism of Certified Public Accountants in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 1(1), 118–129. Retrieved from