The Effects of Quality Management on Performance Efficiency in Colleges under Office of the Vocational Education Commission


  • Woraphon Intharakamhaeng Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.
  • Veeraya PataraArchachai Mahasarakham Business school, Mahasarakham University
  • Nongluk Sangmahachai Mahasarakham Business school, Mahasarakham University


Quality Management, Performance Efficiency, Colleges under Office of The Vocational Education Commission


The research objective was to management on performance efficiency in Colleges under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. A used to collect data from 203 executives on colleges of the vocational under  Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were t-test,  f-test     (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple regression analysis. that quality management had positive relationships with and effects on performance efficiency. Therefore, the executive on colleges of the vocational should support and promote their problem-solving approach    also affects the quality management on colleges of the vocational. Thrust, improve the service on meeting in the needs of all parties involved with the organization. This will lead   to the performance of the organization.

Author Biography

Woraphon Intharakamhaeng, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.

Master Student, Master of Economic, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University


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How to Cite

Intharakamhaeng, W., PataraArchachai, V., & Sangmahachai, N. (2020). The Effects of Quality Management on Performance Efficiency in Colleges under Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 12(2), 1–11. Retrieved from



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