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Jantrarat Sirivoottipong
Netsai Sudta
Kulphatsorn Sinturak
Nantaporn Mongkoludomrat


The objectives of this research were to 1) study styles of women's clothing from second-hand denim, 2) design women's clothing from second-hand denim, and 3) assess the satisfaction of developing women's clothing styles from denim fabrics. Second, the sample group was students in the Department of Clothing Technology and Patterns at the Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, with 50 students. The instrument used to collect data was the satisfaction assessment form for the sample group towards women's clothing made from second-hand denim. The data were analyzed by finding the percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study of women's clothing styles made from second-hand denim found that second-hand denim clothing was designed by combining thick and hard denim with techniques. The sewing comes from pleating, inserting the fabric, cutting the fabric, and using decorative materials such as metal straps, tassels, ruffles, and tear marks in the design and sewing to make the clothes look soft and beautiful to wear. To create a distinctive design to meet the needs of adolescents Development of women's clothing styles from second-hand denim There are operating steps as follows: The researcher designed six sets of women's clothing from second-hand fabrics. The designs were selected by five experts, consisting of three experts in sewing and two in format, leaving only three sets of plans for actual sewing. It starts with making a prototype pattern, laying out the cutouts, and sewing. Then, bring the finished set to a satisfaction assessment. By giving a sample group of students in the Department of Clothing Technology and Patterns Faculty of the Home Economics Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, 50 people assessed their satisfaction with the styles of women's clothing made from second-hand denim. The research results found that most assessors were 18–21 years old. The satisfaction level was high (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.36, SD=0.82). Considering each item, it was found that the second set had the highest level of satisfaction (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.44, SD=0.80). The third set had a high level of satisfaction  (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.37, SD=0.81), and the first set had a high level of satisfaction (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.29, SD=0.86).

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How to Cite
Sirivoottipong, J., Sudta, N., Sinturak, K., & Mongkoludomrat, N. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN’S CLOTHING STYLES FROM SECOND-HAND DENIM. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 4(2), 121–130. Retrieved from
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