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The development of digital technology has significantly impacted economic, social, educational, and lifestyle transformations. The Thai government has implemented the Digital Development Plan for Economy and Society to support the 20-year national strategy. This plan emphasizes the development of infrastructure, innovation, and human capital to sustainably drive Thailand's economy and society. In the educational dimension, the integration of digital technology, such as distance learning and digital systems in educational institutions, enhances efficiency, reduces inequality, and promotes lifelong learning.
The concept of competency is a key factor in human resource development, comprising knowledge, skills, and other attributes. Competency can be categorized into core competencies, job-specific competencies, and personal competencies, all of which are essential for personnel development in any organization. Regarding digital technology, digital competencies encompass basic ICT skills, teaching-specific ICT competencies, learning strategies, and digital development. These competencies aim to enable individuals to adapt and utilize technology effectively.
In the context of teacher and educational personnel development, it is essential to enhance knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes. Teachers must undergo continuous development to meet the demands of 21st-century education. Supporting learner-centered education and fostering digital skills will improve the quality of education and drive effective educational management. Furthermore, promoting the use of information technology in education management will prepare Thailand for the digital economy and the modern world sustainably.
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