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Thanat Tunpon
Chanidapa Krachaechan
Nuntaya Kongprapun
Naputr Gewnak
Sompong Phipataeksakul


The objectives of this research are to 1) Analyze government policies that promote innovation development in truck transport business in Chonburi province; 2) Study problems and obstacles in using innovation to promote efficiency of truck transport business management system in Chonburi province; 3) Synthesize process innovation to promote efficiency of truck transport business management system in Chonburi province, and 4) Propose process innovation  to promote efficiency of truck transport business management system in Chonburi province. This research is mixes method. The sample group consisted of 34 key informants and 5 people with specific qualifications and expertise to evaluate innovations. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. and analyze quantitative data to evaluate innovations with descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

           The research results found that 1) Government agencies have policies and guidelines for driving innovation to promote the efficiency of the truck transport management system in Chonburi province in terms of (1) Duty-free goods, (2) Promotion of DLP GPS Application which is a transportation tracking and control system and (3) Truck Queue System- a truck queue booking system; 2) Problems and obstacles affecting the use of innovation to promote the efficiency of the truck transport management system in Chonburi province can be divided into 2 parts as follows: (1) Problems caused by instability of the application system, including 1. Problems caused by the use of the DLP GPS Application of truck drivers, which depends on the stability of the internet network,  2. Problems caused by the use of the Truck Queue System or queue management system, which causes system failures and instability, affecting the efficiency of goods transport, including user satisfaction and (2) Problems of inexperience of employees/truck drivers and 3) Process innovation to promote the efficiency of the truck transport management system in Chonburi province must be promoted to employees/truck drivers to train in the use of applications related to truck transport in order to be able to use the system more flexibly. and The results of the assessment of the appropriateness of the innovation were found to be at the highest level overall (  = 4.64).

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