Communication Guideline for Creating a Visual Arts Artists Network in Chanthaburi Province
Communication Guideline, Network, Visual Arts Artists, Chanthaburi ProvinceAbstract
This article aimed to create a communication guideline for establishing a visual arts artists network in Chanthaburi Province. Chanthaburi Province has a large number of visual artists, but there is still no network to support these artists and their production of art. This research is qualitative, collecting data from documents and objects from both online and offline media, including in-depth interviews using a semi-structured format. There were 9 key informants, divided into 3 groups of 3 people each: visual artists, the Chanthaboon Waterfront Community, visual artists with successful networking in other areas, and target consumers of visual arts. The results showed that artists need to adapt, create a persona as a node in the network, diversify content in their artwork, use a variety of communication channels to reach visual arts audiences of all ages, establish a visual arts artists network, understand different audiences, consider external factors affecting the network, develop a data warehouse system, and ensure continuity in the production of art.
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