An Analysis of Art and Design Activities to Create a Modern Rural Attraction at the Sawasdee Chainat Fair
Analysis of Art and Design Activities, Modern Rural Attractions, Sawasdee Chainat FairAbstract
This article is part of a doctoral thesis on “Art and Design Engagement Activities for Rural Attractions.” The research aims to experiment with creating modern rural tourism sites that incorporate art and design activities. These activities are driven by the concept of creative economy and the idea of value sharing to engage relevant stakeholders. The study reflects a solution to the economic and population shrinking conditions in the case study area of Chainat province. The research involves soliciting participation in online and on-site assessments, which include surveying visitors of the Chainat Art & Design Exhibition. The exhibition included drawings, watercolor paintings depicting Chainat’s tourist attractions, and sculpture designs using local materials. The collected data is analyzed through observation and inquiry. The assessment reveals that respondents were most interested in 3D sculptures that incorporated materials reflecting the local context. The art and design aspects made visitors eager to visit the place and experience the art of designing public spaces within the community. The study concludes that incorporating such art and design activities into rural tourist attractions can be highly appealing. These findings contribute to the success of the researcher and the team’s efforts in developing modern rural attractions.
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