Social Development and Human Security Volunteer and The Promotion of a Peaceful Society

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Yuwadee Bumrungbutr


Social Development and Human Security Volunteers (SDHSV) are volunteers who work in a variety of communities and villages to participate in social development and human security due to development missions. social and human security There is a wide scope for all populations. There are many types of volunteers available in local communities today. and perform various tasks such as public health volunteers, anti-drug volunteers, probation volunteers, etc., all of which these volunteers work in relation to social development and human security. Understand the importance of social development and human security, learn about the roles and duties to take part in social development work in their own locality and be a volunteer for social development and security. Humans in their villages and communities will create a working network at the local level that will be the basis for the important force in social development towards a peaceful, caring and sustainable society. This article presents Volunteer for social development and human security and the promotion of a peaceful society as a guideline for further study.

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How to Cite
Bumrungbutr, Y. . (2023). Social Development and Human Security Volunteer and The Promotion of a Peaceful Society. Journal of Educational Management and Research Innovation, 5(1), 223–232. Retrieved from


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