Communication for Learning and Developing Creative Tourism

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Thitinan B.Common


This article is a synthesis of the project, “Communication Design for Sustainable Learning and Developing of Creative Tourism”. The project is conducted with a mixed method, using quantitative survey with Thai tourists and group discussion with the tourism community. Creative media such as websites, Facebook fan pages, and video clips are also designed and created as a tool for learning materials in the process of research and development. The study found that media and communication play a role in creating learning about creative tourism. It is a channel for seeking travel information for travelers. It can also be used as a tool and space to create learning about creative tourism among the tourism community. Most tourists prefer to travel with family and friends. Social media and websites are used as a means of seeking tourism information. Emphasis is placed on attractive illustrations and useful content from the media. As for the tourism communities, they pay attention to the concept of creative tourism and see the value in building the community's economy. It is also seen that the creative media that the project has designed and created can create learning and inspiration in the development of creative tourism. Stories in creative media also help encourage communities to see their own natural resources and culture. The development of creative tourism must focus on promoting the potential of the community, such as building creative citizen with communication skills, creativity, storytelling skills, and media skills in storytelling. This can enhance community empowerment which will lead to the development of sustainable creative tourism in the context of creative economy.

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