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สุพัตรา แย้มเม่ง
ธาตรี ใต้ฟ้าพูล


This research is a qualitative study which aims to 1) to study the situation of cooperation and resistance before enacting the National Health Act B.E. 2550 section 12, 2) to study issue management strategies and communication tactics to advocate the rights to show the intention of not receiving health services. The research methodologies are in-depth interview of 15 key information and documentary research to analyze the documents from the National Health Commission office of Thailand, related documents from the health office and documents from website.

     The research results fond that the enactment of the National Health Act B.E. 2550 section 12 and ministerial regulations section 12 of the National Health Act B.E. 2550 are agreed and supported by almost every party including lawyers, doctors, nurses, Buddhist ecclesiastical sector and the general public. Only some groups of doctors disagree with and are against this law as they understand that this law gives permission to doctors to commit euthanasia.

     There are three administrative strategies used by the supporters to enact the Act. They are 1) dynamic response strategy used at beginning of the promotion of the act and ministerial regulations, 2) reactive change strategy used when attacked by opponents, and 3) adaptive change strategy used when promoting ministerial regulations enactment. Moreover, there are three communicative strategies. The first is communicative strategy which can be divided into: 1.1) creating common understanding and allies strategy, 1.2) people power driving political policy strategy, and 1.3) communicative strategy by word of mouth to spread news events. The second strategy is media strategy which includes the integration of media strategy to spread the news. The third strategy is persuasive strategy which can be divides into: 3.1) expert strategy to create reliability, and 3.2) building confidence to the patient and the patience’s relative strategy.

     There are two problems and obstacles in the administration. The first problem is misunderstanding of the opponents who believe that euthanasia is a right. The solution is to ask experts to explain accurate information to the opponents. The second problem is cessation of the enactment of the National Health Act B.E. 2550. The solution is a class-action lawsuit to oppress the government to enact new legistration.

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