Influence of Social Media Activities affecting Trust and Loyalty of Lemon8 Application usage of Generation Z users In Si Racha District, Chonburi Province

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Napasorn Katebang
Poramet Kositwiwat
Pronlapat Morathop
Fueangratda Chueawiang
Busthsayarinth Kongkaew


This research aims to study the Influence of social media activities affecting Trust and Loyalty of Lemon8 application usage of Generation Z users in Si Racha District, Chonburi Province.

In this quantitative research, a sample group of 400 individuals, aged between 18 to 28 years old, who are users of the Lemon8 application and reside in the Sriracha District, Chonburi Province, was selected for the study. Data was collected using an online questionnaire. Then use the data to test the hypothesis. by multiple regression analysis and simple regression analysis.

The study found that social media activities consisting of entertainment, customization, interaction, EWOM and trendiness are the factors influencing trust in selecting and utilizing the Lemon8 application significantly at the 0.05 statistical significance level, Trust also affects loyalty in selecting and utilizing the Lemon8 application, likewise. These findings can be utilized to effectively plan and implement marketing strategies to meet the preferences and requirements of Lemon8 users.

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