Critical Skills for 21st Century, Perceived Self-efficacy, Social Influences, Policy Support and the Relationship Between Parents and Youths that Serve as Predictive Factors for Digital Content Creation and Sharing of Thai Youths, from Parents’ Perspectiv
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This research aims to study the perspectives of parents towards critical skills for 21st century, perceived self-efficacy, social influences, policy support and the relationship between parents and youths that serve as predictive factors for digital content creation and sharing of Thai youths. The research was conducted using quantitative method. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 403 parents whose children were in primary schools. The findings reveal that parents believed their children had the highest skill in information-related skills and perceived their children to be competent in several tasks in schools. Parents also believed that the top three groups of people who were most influential to their children were 1) teachers or tutors 2) parents and 3) online influencers such as bloggers, YouTubers, reviewers. The parents believed that "Thailand 4.0" was the most helpful policy to support their children in their digital content creation. The testing of hypotheses found that the factors of 21st century skills of youths and social influences could jointly and significantly predict digital content creation. The results of this study led to the recommendations for the stakeholders to collaboratively and effectively develop critical skills for Thai youths.
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