The Creation of Storytelling Sign in an Eco-Tourism Attraction along with Bicycle Route in Loei Province
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The objectives of this research were to study eco-tourism attractions along bicycle routes in Loei province and to design information and storytelling signs at eco-tourism spots along bicycle routes in Mueang Loei district, Loei. This research was conducted by implementing quantitative and qualitative research methods. The 400 samples were the representatives from government sectors, private sectors, organizations involving with the areas of bicycle routes, tourism organization officers, presses, cyclists,tourists andcommunities in Mueang Loei district, Loei province who were selected using random sampling technique. The 30 informants were selected through purposive sampling technique from the sample group. The research tools comprised questionnaire, interview, and brain-storming form. The qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis whereas the quantitative data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings were as follows. 1) It was found that information receiving about ecotourism attractions was averagely at high level. For the importance of the routes, the tourism route number 3 “natural tourism route” and tourism route number 2 “Mueang Loei story and Legend Route” were averagely scored the highest by the tourists, followed by the tourism route number 1 “Dharma and Lord Bhddha Worshiping route which was also scored at high level. In addition, the reasons for receiving the information about the 3 tourism routes were at high level as overall and individual aspects. 2)There were 7 signs designed and installed for telling the stories of eco-tourism attractions at Tub Mingkwan temple, Phochai Mongkol temple, Sri Bunrueang Temple, Sriwichai temple, Prakeaw Mueang Loei Temple, and the spirit house of Chao Por Mueang Som and Chao Por Mueang Saen in order to meet the tourists’ requirements focusing on the quality of content with completeness, accuracy, and appropriate illustrations smoothly blended into background color, colors of letters, amount and size of texts, linkage between content and illustrations, and elements of the design. The survey results showed that the informants were satisfied with the storytelling signs, averagely at the highest level.
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