The Construction of Signification Through Youtube Program, in The Sixth Sense: Khon Hen Phi

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ภัททราวรดา วิไลลอย


The qualitative research aimed to analyze the content, presentation, and the construction of signification through youtube program and analyze how it reveals the construction of the meaning in The Sixth Sense: Khon Hen Phi. The textual analysis was conducted with twelve episodes broadcast in 2020 - 2021. From the study, it was found that the Sixth Sense: Khon Hen Phi applied to the reality TV format of the ghost hunter investigated by the clairvoyance. Besides that, the result revealed the 5 steps of the narrative structure; (1) introduction the conflict of the human and ghost (2) the clairvoyance meets ghosts (3) the clairvoyance communicated with ghost or exorcised the ghost (4) the good ghosts were restrictive duty and the bad ghosts were eliminated from the world (5) the conclusion of the story. The research also found that the construction of signification in The Sixth Sense: Khon Hen Phi program which is divided into 5 types of the meaning; (1) the meaning of “ghost” (2) the meaning of “the clairvoyance” (3) the meaning of the “ritual” (4) the meaning of the “Sixth Sense: Khon Hen Phi” program and (5) the others meaning that appeared in the program.

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