Factors Influencing Consumers’ Behaviors on Online Purchase Decision of Sports Products
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The research is aimed to 1) explore information perception, purchase-selection satisfaction, 2) compare the difference of the relationship between demographics and consumers’ behaviors on online purchase decisions of sports products, 3) examine the relationship between information perception and consumers’ satisfaction with the online sports- products purchase, 4) study the relationship between information perception and consumers’ behaviors on online purchase decisions of sports products, and 5) to investigate the consumers’ satisfaction and their behaviors on online purchase decision of sports products. The study is conducted by quantitative research through survey questionnaires, collected with 400 consumers who used to buy sports products through online media, aged over 20 years old. The collected data is analyzed by descriptive statistics: Frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation,and inferential statistics: T-test, F-test (One-Way Analysis of Variance or One-Way ANOVA), and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study shows that 1) The consumers perceive sports products via Shopee the most, followed by Lazada, Facebook Fan Page of sports products brands, websites of sports products, Instagram, and LINE Official Account. 2) The consumers are satisfied with the distribution channels the most, followed by marketing promotion, prices, and products. 3) The consumers intend to buy sports products repeatedly via online media the most, followed by persuading other people to buy sports products online, recommending impressive shops to the surrounding people, and purchasing several pieces of sports products each time, 4) the perceived information from the websites of sports products, Facebook Fan Page of Sports Products brands, Instagram, LINE Official Account, and Shopee is found to have relationships with consumers’ satisfaction with products, prices, and marketing promotion at a statistical significance level of 0.01 and 0.05, but the perceived information from Lazada is found to have no relationship with consumers’ satisfaction with the distribution channels. 5) the perceived information from the websites of sports products, Facebook Fan Page of Sports Products brands, Instagram, LINE Official Account, Shopee, and Lazada is found to have relationships with purchase decision behaviors at a statistical significance level of 0.01 and 0.05. 6) Consumers' satisfaction is found to have relationships with online sports-product purchase in terms of products, prices, distribution channels, and marketing promotion.
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