The Community Participation of Production Management of Children Mask Play (Khonsod) in Kruwikchimplee Troupe for the purpose of Commercial in Performing Arts Development
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The purpose of this research is to investigate problems and to manage the production of children's mask play (Khonsod) in Kruwikchimplee Troupe commercially and to establish the children's mask play training center advancing the performing arts. This research is qualitative research using participative research process, collected data and related research reports, participant and non-participant observation, in-depth. At the end, return to the interview, group discussion, organizing a community forum, lesson learned session, and integrated information to the community. The results showed that regarding the problem of organizing the Children's Mask Play (Khonsod) in the Kruwikchimplee troupe it was found that there was no clear organizational structure. The show's equipment it was old and damaged. The show lacked advertising, public relations, and marketing. Moreover, the identity of the show was unclear. There was a shortage of funds to manage the show. The show experienced there is a shortage of child actors, and the head of the show is an old man who is unwell. Actors lacked training and lack of support from public and private organizations. Moreover, the standard of performance is still incomparable with other shows. In terms of guidelines and development of the children's mask play (Khonsod) in Kruwikchimplee Commercially, it was found that the operation was carried out by the principle of the 8 Ps. (1) "Policy." (2) "Personnels” emphasized youth showing in order to develop children's mask play (Khonsod). The structure was divided according to functions. (3) "Production tooling" focused on repairing equipment to look newer. (4) "Process" was developed by performing a before/during/after evaluation, (5) "Product" focused on live Khon performances, Yokrob episodes, and children's performers. (6) A "place" for contact should be established. in order to increase online distribution channels. (7) "Promotion and marketing" focused on creating existence. through online and offline channels. (8) " Profit" was concerned with cost control, income satisfaction, and profit in the long run form of happiness. Regarding the establishment of the children's mask play training center, it was found that there was a collaboration with various network partners, including the government, private sector, and civil society. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in order to establish the children's mask play training The center at Wat Chorakhe Yai School, has eleven network partners.
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