The Effectiveness of Netflix’s Online Brand Community Engagement, Consumer-Brand Relationship towards Brand Loyalty

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กานต์ธิดา อัจฉริยะชาญวณิช
บุหงา ชัยสุวรรณ


The purpose of this study was to explore the phenomenon of online brand community in the context of consumer brand relationship. The specific research objectives were: (a) to investigate whether motivation of joining online Facebook group predict engagement in online Facebook group; (b) to examine if motivation of joining online Facebook group predict the relationship quality of the community; (c) to examine if engagement in online Facebook group predict the relationship quality
of the community; (d) to examine whether engagement in online Facebook strengthens and predict predicts customer loyalty toward the brand and (e) to investigate whether the relationship quality of the community predicts customer loyalty toward the brand.

This research employed an approach of a survey quantitative research using the structured online questionnaire answered by 260 online Netflix community members. Data were analyzed using frequency tables and hypothesis were tested by Path Analysis.

The findings suggest that the brand relationship quality of online Netflix community was discovered to be positively influenced by the motivation and engagement of the online Netflix community with impacts on Netflix Loyalty. In addition, while engagement is an important driver of the brand relationship quality of online Netflix community, it is not a factor predicting Netflix Loyalty.

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