Sex, Language, Violence and Representation in Game Shows of Thai Digital Television Programs

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น้ำทิพย์ พรหมเพ็ชร
บุหงา ชัยสุวรรณ


This research aims to explore displayed contents of game shows on digital television channels, which are sex, language, violence and representation perspectives. By analyzing contents on 9 game shows from 3 channels including 7HD, 3HD and Workpoint. The findings can be summarized as follows:

  1. The show content overview and television content rating system Analysis indicates that most game shows are rated as general type rating (General audience). The less appropriate contents in game shows, which is not according to television content rating ethics and principle model, still is rated as presented to audiences of all ages. In particular, inappropriate contents in the language and violence were displayed on watershed times. This allows young audiences’ access to the inappropriate contents easily.

  2. The analysis also showed that the most inappropriate content shown is violence. Language, representation and sex are secondary issues. In addition, 3HD channel mostly showed inappropriate sexual and language contents. 7HD channel mainly presented inappropriate violence and representation content. It can be concluded from the data collected that inappropriate contents were related to sex, language, violence and representation. 3HD channel presents the highest number of inappropriate contents on game shows. 7HD and Workpoint channel follow respectively.

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Author Biography

น้ำทิพย์ พรหมเพ็ชร, Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration

นักศึกษาปริญญาโท คณะนิเทศศาสตร์และนวัตกรรมการจัดการ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์