Nyi ma'i mdo and Zla ba'i mdo with Suriya Paritta and Canda Paritta: A comparative study


  • Sukanya Charoenwerakul Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • Chanwit Tudkeao Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Paritta, Tibetan sūtra, Nyi ma’i mdo, Zla ba’i mdo


This article aims to study the structure and content of the  Nyi ma'i mdo and zla ba'i mdo, Tibetan sūtras of the sun and the moon, and of Suriya-paritta and Canda-paritta in Catubhāṇavāra, the collection of parittas in Sri lanka, along with other parallel sutras. It was found that the structure of Nyi ma'i mdo and Zla ba'i mdo is apparently different from the Sanskrit parallel and the Tibetan previous translation. It is very similar to that of Suriya-paritta and Canda-paritta in Catubhāṇavāra, and Suriya-sutta and Candima-sutta in Sagātha-vagga in the Sayukta Nikāya of Suttanta Piaka. However, there are some slightly differences due to mispronunciation and misconception on the Pāli grammar. Therefore, there is a strong possibility that Nyi ma'i mdo and Zla ba'i mdo were directly translated from Pāli recension.


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How to Cite

Charoenwerakul, S., & Tudkeao, C. (2023). Nyi ma’i mdo and Zla ba’i mdo with Suriya Paritta and Canda Paritta: A comparative study. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 30(1), 75–113. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbscu/article/view/258875



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