The Application Model of the Principle of 38 Blessings of Life in Thai Society


  • อำพล บุดดาสาร Section of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • วัชระ งามจิตรเจริญ Department of History, Philosophy and English Literature, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Blessings of Life, applications of the 38 Blessings of Life, life in Thai society


The 38 Blessings of Life are composed of a diversity of the Buddha Dhamma, both in terms of contents and levels. Scholars hold different views concerning their applications, and some Buddhists simply misunderstand some of these Blessings. Therefore, in order to be able to apply the 38 Blessings to one’s life more fruitfully and in accordance with the Buddhist principles, this research article seeks to present a useful model for doing so, one that is appropriate for the present situation in Thai society.

The resulting application model of the 38 Blessings of Life for Thai society consists of basic principles, objectives, criteria, and methods of application. According to this model, Thai Buddhists should follow the basic principles of the Blessings, not in ascending order, but by choosing appropriate themes and practicing in a holistic manner, covering the blessings of all levels. The practitioner should focus both on the main objective – Nibbāna – and the secondary objective desired for this life. She/he may also use diverse criteria in selecting the Blessings for practice, such as one’s capabilities, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful practice. As for the methods of practice, Buddhists may follow all of the 38 Blessings of Life, including those of higher levels, by adapting them to contemporary happenings.


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How to Cite

บุดดาสาร อ., & งามจิตรเจริญ ว. (2020). The Application Model of the Principle of 38 Blessings of Life in Thai Society. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 26(3), 1–32. Retrieved from



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