The Process for Eradication of Diţţhicetasika in Theravãda Buddhism


  • เจริญ มณีจักร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตเชียงใหม่


Diţţhicetasika, Micchãdiţhi, Eradication of Diţţhicetasika


Mental activities based on false views (diţţhicetasika) and false views (micchãdiţhi) refer to the same state, namely, erroneous opinions of and false adherence to things without a thorough understanding of reality. Diţţhicetasika is the cause of ruin in human life in that it leads both humans and society to perform unwholesome actions. Diţţhicetasika can be eradicated through training, association with good friends, and perfection of dãna and sîla. The self-identifi cation view (sakkaya diţţhi) can be eradicated through the contemplation of the fi ve aggregates (khandhas) in light of the three characteristics (trilakkha). The erroneous extremist view (antagãhika-diţţhi) is handled by the Buddha through his silence. The three steady false-views (niyata-micchãdiţţhi) can be eradicated through bodily, verbal and mental wholesome deeds. The 62 views can be eradicated through non-attachment to the six senses. However, these processes can yield only temporary results. The eradication through tranquillity meditation is indeed only suppression. The false views can be truly eradicated through practice of insight meditation that successfully leads to true knowledge of the way (maggaňãņa) and nibbãna.


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How to Cite

มณีจักร์ เ. (2017). The Process for Eradication of Diţţhicetasika in Theravãda Buddhism. Journal of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 24(1), 9–19. Retrieved from