Factors Influencing the Availability of Operational Support System: Prototypes Case Study of the Faculty of Business Administration Rajapark Institute
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The study investigates the influential factors on the readiness to adopt a prototype of a support system for operational practices through a case study of the Faculty of Business Administration, Rajapak Institute. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate the factors influencing the readiness to adopt a prototype support system to enhance its efficacy in meeting user needs. Data collection involves administering questionnaires and conducting experimental trials of the prototype system. The sample group consists of 40 faculty members selected using Krejcie & Morgan's table. Statistical analyses include percentages, means, standard deviations, and correlation analyses.
Perceived usefulness had the highest level of influence on system readiness, with a mean rating of 4.67, followed by perceived ease of use with a mean rating of 4.41. Organizational structure had an influence rating of 3.61, while management support had a rating of 2.74. A moderate positive correlation (r = 0.64) existed between perceived ease of use and system readiness, representing the highest influence. Perceived usefulness correlated moderately positively (r = 0.40) with system readiness, representing the second-highest influence. Management support showed a weak positive correlation (r = 0.09) with system readiness, representing the lowest influence. Organizational structure correlated moderately positively (r = 0.45) with system readiness. Overall, as perceptions (x) increase, there is a tendency for increased system readiness (y), at a statistically significant level of 0.05.
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