A Causal Model of Stress at Work of Employee in Construction Industry
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This research aims to 1) study the level of stress in the workplace of employees in the construction industry and 2) develop and verify the consistency of models of causal relationships of employee stress with the empirical data. The quantitative research method was used for the sample of this study, which consisted of 464 employees working in the Bangkok metropolitan construction industry. The questionnaire was used in this study to collect data on the three variables comprising stress at work, adversity quotient, and emotional intelligence. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the collected data were analyzed in terms of the mean, standard deviation, and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that 1) the total number of employees in the construction industry, stress at work was at a low level, and 2) the finding reveals that the models were improved and developed in harmony with the empirical data (2 = 25.41 df = 16 p = .06 GFI = 0.99 AGFI = 0.96 CFI = 1.00 RMSEA = 0.03 SRMR = 0.02). Consisted of components as follows: Emotional intelligence had a high direct effect on stress at work (-0.20) and the adversity quotient had a low direct effect on stress at work (-0.27). Furthermore, 16% of the variance associated with stress at work was explained by the adversity quotient and emotional intelligence.
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