IoT in Food Supply Chain Quality Management: Strategic Recommendation for IoT Service Providers
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The Internet of Things is useful for both consumers and manufacturers due to several obvious benefits, such as tracking quality and authentication, capturing environmental changes, automatically alerting when incidents occur, and so on. Thus, the Internet of Things has become an important tool, especially for manufacturers and their supply chain networks, to collaboratively process and monitor activities in real-time. Previous studies of IoT in the supply chain investigated the factors that aided or hindered end-user adoption of this technology, including manufacturers in a variety of industries. These past studies aimed to suggest the end users on how to adjust themselves to adopt IoT. In this study, the authors focused on providing the strategic recommendation for the IoT service providers that was still insufficiently shown in the current literature. The data was collected through a survey of 197 food processing manufacturers registered with the Thai government. The result indicated that the manufacturers expected to increase the usage of quality management IoT (QM IoT) from 74 firms (37.6%) to 189 firms (95.9%) in the future. The results of this research could help the IoT service providers better offer services that match the end users’ preferences, including in selecting target customers, areas of focus (SCOR views), and priority of activity.
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