Components of Electronic Service Quality of E-commerce Business in Thailand
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The article aimed to study 1) the components of electronic service quality of e-commerce businesses in Thailand; and 2) the guidelines for improving the quality of electronic services of e-commerce businesses in Thailand. This research was a mixed method research. The instruments for collecting data were questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, statistical models of structural equations, second order confirmatory factor analysis method, and content analysis. The research results were found as follows:
1) Electronic service quality components of e-commerce business in Thailand consist of 8 components according to the conceptual framework created. The highest component weight in the top three was responsiveness, reliability, and compensation, with weights as high as 0.93, 0.92 and 0.86, and predictive power (R2) as high as 86, 84 and 73 percent, respectively.
2) Guidelines for improving the quality of electronic services for e-commerce businesses in Thailand. Entrepreneurs should focus on responsiveness quickly, whether it is asking for product information. delivery status check, responding to complaints, the next issue is privacy. There should be a good data retention system and maximum security. Do not disclose the user's information. or a weakness for those who do not wish to come in to hack the system to steal information. In addition, in terms of efficiency and system availability. It should make the system easy to use and stable, as well as compensate in the event of damaged shipments.
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