Structural Relationship Model of Digital Entrepreneurship, New Product Development, Customer Response and Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Investigation from E-Commerce Business in Thailand

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Pattarika Chinchang
Thareerat Kuleelung


Digital entrepreneurship is reckoned to be a crucial driver of e-commerce businesses in Thailand for developing economic growth. This article aimed to (1) develop a causal relationship model of digital entrepreneurship, new product development, customer response, and competitive advantage, and (2) study the characteristics of the developed model. This study was quantitative research methodology, employing questionnaires as a data collection tool. A total of 285 e-commerce businesses in Thailand were included as samples in this study. Descriptive analysis (percentage, mean, standard deviation), Pearson correlation, factor analysis, and path analysis were used for data analysis, with structural equation models (SEM) employed to find out the causal relationship of the studied parameters. The research results were as follows: (1) digital entrepreneurship had a positive influence on both new product development and customer response at a significance level of 0.01, and in a similar manner, not only new product development but also customer response displayed a positive impact on competitive advantage at a significance level of 0.01; and (2) the characteristics of the developed model were consistent with the empirical data, revealing the statistical values of gif.latex?\chi2/df = 1.357, df = 114, p-value = 0.095, GFI = 0.951, CFI = 0.994, AGFI = 0.926, and RMSEA = 0.025.

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How to Cite
Chinchang, P., & Kuleelung, T. (2022). Structural Relationship Model of Digital Entrepreneurship, New Product Development, Customer Response and Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Investigation from E-Commerce Business in Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 6(4), 1733–1755. retrieved from
Research Articles


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