The Educational Innovative Organization for Secondary Schools Which Awarded from Office of the Basic Education Quality Awards
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This article aimed to (1) study the composition of educational innovation organizations of secondary schools that were awarded from the Office of the Basic Education Quality Awards; and (2) propose guidelines for developing secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission for educational innovation organizations. This research was mixed method research. For quantitative research, there were 13,931 school administrators and teachers from secondary schools who were awarded by the Office of the Basic Education Quality Awards in the central and eastern regions of Thailand. The sample consisted of 375 They were selected by multi-stage random sampling. Research instrument was the questionnaire scale estimates the 5 levels with reliability value 0f 0.94 and data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis. For qualitative research, the target group consisted of 5 eminent people from a purposive sample. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview and analyzed by content analysis. The research results were found as follows:
1) the components of the educational innovative organization of secondary schools which awarded from Office of the Basic Education Quality Awards consisted of 5 components, which were 1) innovative leadership and competency of personnel 2) vision, strategy and goals of being an innovative organization 3) a network for cooperation in education management 4) information and communication technology within educational institutions and 5) culture and innovative atmosphere of educational institutions.
2) guidelines for developing secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission for educational innovative organization found that administrators must keep up with the changes. Encourage personnel to have independent thinking. Involve teachers in defining the vision of the school. There is a network of cooperation in education management with all sectors. Management based on good governance. Build manpower to have the potential to use information and communication technology.
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