Creative Tourism Activities Development for Cultural Conservation of Urak Lawoi Ethnic Group on Lanta Island, Krabi Province
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This research article aimed to analyze tourism resources, tourism potential, and the preferences for creative tourism management of the Urak Lawoi ethnic group, study the preferences of tourists for creative tourism activities, and develop creative tourism activities for cultural conservation of the Urak Lawoi ethnic group on Lanta Island. The instruments used in this research were semi-structured interviews, tourism resource audit questionnaire, and evaluation form. The data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistics, such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results were found as follows: outstanding resources were natural resources, cultural resources, and the Urak Lawoi language. Regarding the potential of the community, the results found that the community strengths of the Toh Balew were preserving culture, traditional-style houses, and easily accessible locations, while the community strengths of the Sang Kha Ou were preserving culture and having community members with tourism experience. The preferences of the Toh Balew community for creative activity management were human resources development, utility improvement, and activities with the traditional way of life, while the Sang Kha Ou community required area improvement and allotment; establishing a tourism management group and activities for cultural exchange; the preferences of the tourists for creative tourism activities were various choices of activities; participatory activities related to their way of life and wisdom and having a security system; and the creative tourism activities developed were learning traditional performance, arts and crafts, fishing skills, nature observing, local food cooking, local language and participating in a boat floating festival.
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