Strategies for Developing Competency in the Field of Teachers in Schools Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, Tak Province

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Bensiya Ketudomsap
Supapron Pongpinyoopas
Ratchanee Nitakorn


This article aimed to 1) study the professional competence of teachers in educational institutions under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, Tak Province; 2) study the conditions, problems, and factors related to the development of professional competence of teachers in educational institutions under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, Tak Province; 3) develop a competency strategy for teachers in educational institutions under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, Tak Province; and 4) assess strategies for developing the competency of teachers in schools under the Tak Provincial Primary Education Service Area Office. There were four steps. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, group chat workshop, expert-based seminars, and using the strategy assessment form the statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

          The results showed that there were 8 strategies developed, namely 1) increasing the efficiency of teacher development planning to be competent; 2) developing environment and information systems to facilitate competency development; 3) developing systems and mechanisms for supervision, supervision, monitoring and evaluation, competency development Plan; 4) increase teacher competency in academic leadership; 5) support factors in budget, personnel, materials, equipment and learning resources in the implementation of teacher competency development; 6) increase operational efficiency Develop competency in line; 7) promote the use of technology and innovation to develop learners; and 8) strengthen and enhance the network of cooperation in the implementation of teacher development to be competent.

The results of the strategy evaluation were found to be consistent. at the highest level, appropriateness, feasibility, and usefulness at a high level.

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How to Cite
Ketudomsap , B. ., Pongpinyoopas, S., & Nitakorn, R. (2022). Strategies for Developing Competency in the Field of Teachers in Schools Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, Tak Province. Journal of Arts Management, 6(3), 1570–1584. retrieved from
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