The Effect of Body and Paint Shop Loyalty and Its Antecedents on Passenger Cars Brand Loyalty in Bangkok and Vicinity

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Chinnawat Asavaroengchai
Prayong Meechaisue
Norapol Chinuntdej


This article aimed to study (1) the effects of Body & Paint Service Quality on Body & Paint Customer Satisfaction, Body & Paint Shop Loyalty and Automobile Brand Loyalty; (2) the effects of Body & Paint Customer Satisfaction on Body & Paint Shop Loyalty and Automobile Brand Loyalty; and (3) the effect of Body & Paint Shop Loyalty on Automobile Brand Loyalty. This research used a mixed-method design that included qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative data collection instrument was an in-depth interview of six key informants to support the research conceptual framework. The quantitative data collection instrument was a questionnaire by collecting 571 samples from car owners who had experience at least two times with car dealers Body & Paint services. Analysis of data by descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling analysis. The research results were found as follows:

1. Body & Paint Service Quality exhibited a positive and significant direct effect on Body & Paint Customer Satisfaction and positive indirect effects on Body & Paint Shop Loyalty and Automobile Brand Loyalty.

2. Body & Paint Customer Satisfaction exhibited a positive and significant direct effect on Body & Paint Shop Loyalty and a positive and significant direct effect and indirect effect on automobile brand loyalty.

3. Body & Paint Shop Loyalty exhibited a positive and significant direct effect on Automobile Brand Loyalty.

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How to Cite
Asavaroengchai, C., Meechaisue, P., & Chinuntdej, N. (2022). The Effect of Body and Paint Shop Loyalty and Its Antecedents on Passenger Cars Brand Loyalty in Bangkok and Vicinity . Journal of Arts Management, 6(3), 1199–1216. retrieved from
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