The Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Employee Engagement of Community Hospitals’ Employee

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Suwat Tanakornnuwat
Dusadee Yolao
Kanchana Pattrawiwat


The objective of this study was to analyze the confirmatory factors of community hospital employees. This was quantitative research. The sample consisted of 444 employees who worked in Doem Bang Nang Buat hospital and Bang Pla Ma hospital. Stratified random sampling was used. Questionnaires were used to collect data, with Cronbach’s alpha confident was .922 The data were analyzed by Lisrel program. The result showed that the proposed model Fitted with the empirical data. The analysis showed that the model of confirmatory factor of employee engagement of community hospital's employees fitted with the empirical data, in which the maximum factor loading was the emotion factor. The subsequent factors were the doing factor, supporting factor, and thinking factor, respectively. All factor loadings were between .35 - .84, R. Squared (R2) was between a percentage of 12.0 - 70.0, the average variance extracted (AVE) was between .33 - .60 and the construct reliability (CR) was between .70-.94. Suggestions from the research should be created engagement program, especially the emotion factor. Another suggestion, corporate executives should set policies, support, and develop employee engagement for sustainable happiness and achievement.

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How to Cite
Tanakornnuwat, S., Yolao, D., & Pattrawiwat, K. (2022). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Employee Engagement of Community Hospitals’ Employee . Journal of Arts Management, 6(2), 896–915. retrieved from
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