The Reading Promotion Activities of Border Patrol Police School in the Services Area of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University

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Woranuch Sriphalang


This article aimed to study the condition of reading promotion activities at the Border Patrol Police School and to study the problems and obstacles of teachers in organizing reading promotion activities at the Border Patrol Police School to be used as a guideline for developing a form of reading promotion activities suitable for the context of the Border Patrol Police School to be able to organize reading promotion activities effectively. This research was quantitative and qualitative. The research area was the Border Patrol Police School under the Border Patrol Police Division 22 by selecting target groups. In purposive selection, the tools used in the research were questionnaires and interviews. The informants consisted of 3 principals, 3 teacher librarians, and 3 teachers. Quantitative data was analyzed. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that:

1. Conditions for organizing reading promotion activities at Border Patrol Police Schools found 100 percent schools have the policy to organize reading promotion activities for teachers and teacher librarians. They have support to encourage the use of libraries in teaching and learning. There is a format for organizing activities to promote reading that is easy to organize activities.

2. Problems and obstacles of teachers in organizing reading promotion activities at Border Patrol Police Schools found 100 percent teacher librarians and teachers who have other responsibilities and have different teaching experiences in each school. There are different techniques for organizing activities to promote reading. The books in the library don’t match the interests of the students and are out of date.

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How to Cite
Sriphalang, W. (2022). The Reading Promotion Activities of Border Patrol Police School in the Services Area of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. Journal of Arts Management, 6(2), 881–895. retrieved from
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